Unlike mosquitoes, bedbugs, and other blood-sucking pests who leave the bite site after attacking humans and animals, ticks bite their hosts and bury their mouthparts in the skin of their subjects for the long haul. If you find a tick shortly after it bites, you will probably only see a small red mark at the bite site. If the area swells or if you break out in a rash, particularly a “bullseye rash,” seek medical attention immediately. A bullseye rash is associated with Lyme disease and the sooner you are treated by a medical professional, the better the chances are that you won’t develop serious Lyme disease symptoms. Lyme disease causes flu-like symptoms, rashes, and/or trouble breathing after discovering a tick on your body. Always protect yourself and your loved ones from ticks by dressing appropriately, wearing insect repellant, and checking for ticks when returning from tick prone areas.
Ticks on your dog or cat can be undetectable for a while, as they are hidden by fur. As ticks feed on their hosts, their bodies swell, sometimes to the size of a marble. At this point, ticks will look greyish-blue to green engorged with their host’s blood. It’s recommended not to just pull the tick off of your unsuspecting pet but, instead, using a pair of tweezers grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and remove it from the host. Immediately dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or by holding a flame to it until it bursts. Either way, you can’t just squish ticks, because ticks have hard-bodies. Usually, you will only find one tick at a time attached to a host, as ticks don’t bite in groups or lines. If you find more than one tick on your pet at a time, take steps to find out where the ticks are coming from and address those sources immediately. After removing a tick, monitor your pet for signs of distress and seek immediate medical attention should they experience any flu-like symptoms, rashes, or trouble breathing.
If your pets or family members have been bitten by ticks and you are concerned about ticks in and around your home, you should contact a professional pest control company as soon as possible. Petri Pest Control Services has well over 60 years of experience handling pest control needs, including tick control, across Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
What Does A Tick Bite Look Like in South Florida
Serving Broward County and Palm Beach County